Healthy Puppies Start With Healthy Parents

At Gunmetal Labs, our top priority is to provide healthy and happy puppies to those who share our passion for the Labrador Retriever breed. We achieve this by starting with quality dams and studs, carefully selecting the best pairs for breeding based on health, temperament, and physical features.

We screen our puppy parents through Embark to clear them of over 230 genetic health risks, ensuring the health of both the male and the female. With a written Health Guarantee for each puppy we raise, you can have peace of mind knowing you are taking home a healthy and well-cared-for companion.

Comprehensive Puppy Development Program

At Gunmetal Labs, we take great care to ensure that our puppies receive the best possible start in life. From birth to the day they go home with their new families, we provide them with the love, attention, and care they need to thrive.

During the first few weeks, our puppies are kept with their mother, and we make sure they receive proper nutrition, warmth, and socialization. As they grow, we introduce them to new experiences, toys, and people to help build their confidence and prepare them for their new homes.

Our puppies are given age-appropriate vaccinations, and we work closely with our veterinarian to monitor their health and development. We also begin basic obedience training, including leash and crate training, to prepare them for their future families. By the time our puppies go home, they are well-socialized, confident, and ready to become beloved members of their new families.

Week One

At Gunmetal Labs, we take the nurturing of our puppies seriously. Even at just one week old, our little ones are given plenty of love and attention to help them thrive. We believe that each and every puppy is special, and we take great pride in providing them with the best possible start in life.

At one week old, Labrador Retriever puppies are still very dependent on their mother and littermates for warmth and nourishment. To aid in their development, we provide a warm and cozy environment, with plenty of soft blankets and heating pads to maintain a consistent temperature.

We closely monitor the litter at this stage to ensure that each puppy is nursing and gaining weight appropriately. We also begin a program of Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS), which includes gentle handling and specific exercises to stimulate their neurological system and enhance their overall health and well-being.

During this stage, the puppies' eyes and ears are still closed, and they spend most of their time sleeping and snuggling with their littermates. As they continue to grow and develop, we'll introduce more age-appropriate toys and activities to further stimulate their physical and mental abilities. We believe that setting a strong foundation from the very beginning is key to producing happy, healthy, and well-adjusted puppies.

Week Two

At two weeks old, our Labrador Retriever puppies are becoming more aware of their surroundings and beginning to show interest in their littermates. They start to develop their senses, including their sense of smell and touch, and can recognize their mother's scent.

Their eyes typically open between 10-14 days old, but their vision is still somewhat limited. They're also becoming more mobile and starting to move around their whelping box, which helps with their muscle development.

We continue to handle them regularly to promote socialization and gentle touch. We also introduce them to different sights and sounds to help them adapt to new experiences. This has been shown to have long-term benefits for the puppies, including improved cardiovascular performance, stronger immune systems, and better resilience to stress in the future.

By exposing our puppies to these controlled stimuli at a young age, we help to build their confidence and set them up for success in their future homes.

Week Three

At three weeks old, Labrador puppies are becoming more mobile and can start to stand, walk, and play. It’s so cute to watch! At this stage, we begin introducing them to potty pads and start the process of potty training. We place the pads in a designated area of their whelping box and encourage the puppies to explore and sniff around them. We continue to monitor the puppies closely to ensure they are using the pads consistently and make adjustments as needed to help them succeed. Our goal is to set them up for success in their new homes by starting their potty training early and reinforcing good habits.

The puppies are also beginning to develop their sense of hearing and will start to respond to sounds around them. At this stage, we continue to provide plenty of socialization and human interaction, helping to build trust and confidence in the puppies. We also introduce them to different textures, toys, and objects to encourage exploration and stimulate their senses.

champagne labrador retriever puppy

Week Four

At 4 weeks old, our little Lab puppies are becoming more adventurous and curious about the world around them. We introduce them to a larger play area to explore and begin teaching them basic commands such as "come" and "sit."

At this stage, we continue to provide plenty of stimulation and socialization opportunities for the puppies to help them become well-adjusted and confident adults. We also continue with their potty pad training, encouraging them to use the designated area for eliminating.

We also introduce them to soft toys and begin teaching them to play and interact with their littermates. As the puppies become more mobile, we also begin introducing them to different surfaces and textures to help them learn and explore their environment.

We start to introduce them to solid food, gradually transitioning them from milk to a high-quality puppy food to support their growing bodies.

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Week Five

At Gunmetal Labs, we believe that early training and socialization are crucial for raising happy and well-adjusted puppies. At 5 weeks, we introduce additional obedience training. We use positive reinforcement techniques to teach them basic commands such as "sit" and "stay".

We also begin socialization with other dogs to help them learn proper social skills and build confidence. This is an important time in their development as they start to learn about boundaries and how to interact with other animals. We also encourage playtime with each other and with toys to help build their confidence and develop their coordination. Additionally, we continue to expose them to new sights, sounds, and smells to help them become more adaptable to different environments.

Week Six

At 6 weeks old, our Labrador Retriever puppies are becoming more independent and starting to really develop their own personalities and preferences, which we carefully observe and document to ensure they receive personalized training and attention. We continue their obedience training and socialization with other dogs and people, exposing them to different environments and experiences to build their confidence and adaptability. Our goal is to ensure that each puppy is well-rounded and prepared to thrive in any situation.

We take them for a thorough check-up with our trusted veterinarian. This includes a physical examination, deworming, and the start of their vaccination series to ensure they are healthy and protected from common illnesses. Our veterinarian provides us with valuable feedback on their growth and development, which helps us tailor our care and training to meet their unique needs.

Week Seven

Temperament testing is a crucial part of preparing our puppies for their future homes. At 7 weeks of age, we perform a series of tests to evaluate their temperaments.

The tests evaluate how our puppies respond to different stimuli such as people, sounds, and objects. We assess their behavior, reaction time, and ability to adapt to new situations. These tests help us to identify individual strengths and weaknesses, which can assist in matching them with the best possible homes.

We believe that temperament is just as important as physical health in a dog, so we take this testing very seriously. Our goal is to place each puppy in the perfect home, so we make sure to provide potential families with detailed information about each puppy's temperament, energy level, and trainability.

Overall, our temperament testing process is designed to ensure that our puppies are happy and successful in their new homes. We take pride in producing well-rounded and well-adjusted dogs that bring joy and companionship to their families.

Week Eight

At 8 weeks, our labrador retriever puppies are ready to leave our care and join their new families. We have spent the past weeks nurturing their growth, socializing them, and providing them with basic obedience training to ensure they are well-rounded and prepared for their new homes.

We provide their new families with all the necessary documentation and information to continue their training and development. We also make sure to keep in touch with our new puppy owners to provide support and answer any questions they may have. It is a bittersweet moment for us to say goodbye to our furry friends, but we know they are going to loving homes where they will continue to thrive.

advanced training program available for our labrador retriever puppies in arizona

Advanced Training Programs

We understand that not everyone is ready for the responsibilities of a young puppy, or that some families may be looking for a furry companion who has already completed some advanced training. That's why we offer an extended training program for families who want their labrador retriever puppy to have even more advanced training and socialization.

Our program is designed to ensure that your new furry family member is the perfect fit for your lifestyle and personality. Our trainers work with each individual puppy, tailoring their training to their specific needs and temperament. With our extended training program, you can rest assured that your puppy will receive the necessary socialization and training to become a well-behaved and obedient companion. Whether you're looking for a young puppy or an older dog with more advanced training, we have you covered.